What is RoboCON Codeathon?
RoboCON Codeathon is a computer science design challenge available to students in grades K-12 from throughout the United States. In this entirely virtual event, students work to develop a computer science solution to a real-world issue in just 2 weeks!
We use readily available platforms and a virtual format to ensure that this event is accessible for as many students as possible!
Important Dates:
Registration is open Jan 14-Feb 25
Mandatory Codeathon Coaches Briefing: Feb 24
Codeathon Kickoff Zoom: March 3
Codeathon: March 3-17
Codeathon submission deadline: March 17
Awards Announced: April 23
Coaches' Guide
$25 per team of 1-3 students
Junior Division grades K-5
Senior Division grades 6-12
Open to participants throughout the United States!